On the 1st October2008 several more sections of the Companies Act 2006 came into force. These included sections 82 to 85 that relate to trading disclosures and this article discusses some of the changes.
The main change as far as websites and emails is concerned is that company details must be disclosed on documents in electronic form and websites. A company must now display it’s name, registered number, place of registration and registered office address on all business letters (including emails), order forms and all websites.
As has been the case for many years the company must also display its registered name and the registered office – however since 1st October 2008 this no longer applies to dormant companies. You must also display the company name at any place where the company carries on its business (but if this is the directors home address this is no longer a requirement).
The author of this article has talked to staff at Companies House and has had it confirmed that the company registration details do not have to be on every page of a website , or indeed on any fixed page, and it is suggested that you place this information on your contact page (if someone is trying to contact you this would be the obvious place to look), You could also include the registration details on a “terms of use” or “legal information” page is you wished. An example of the information being displayed is on our contact page.
You should also note that the same information should be included on all emails sent by the company, this is probably best done by including them in a standard signature block that everyone in the company uses when they send emails.