In a time when companies are looking to save money, the marketing budgets are normally one of the first things that is pinched. Unfortunately this often makes things worse not better as a successful marketing campaign can be the hook that brings in more customers to your business.

It is understandable though, why most companies look here first, as running a marketing campaign can be a very costly process, more so when you are trying to run it over a wide area, or a multi-national or even global marketing campaign.

However if you use “centralised marketing” strategies you probably find that you will save money without having to sacrifice your marketing. It can help with your brand consistency, improve the turn around time, and help avoid the costs and inconvenience of duplication.

If you aren’t trying to co-ordinate dozens of companies to get a product launch rolled out in time, you are more able to concentrate yourself on other areas of your business and centralising may very well reduce your stress levels too, as things will run more smoothly the fewer people that have to report to you, or have you chase them. The benefits of this increase even further if you have a global brand management consultant looking after things for you.

If you are thinking of venturing into the global market with your product, then it really does pay to talk to a specialist in global brand management.. They can advise you on issues you may face, and help you avoid some potentially costly marketing mistakes because you didn’t fully understand any cultural issues regarding your target market. They can also help source and manage the best local suppliers and manufacturers.

As with all companies providing a service for your business it is important to make sure you are happy dealing with the company you choose. You can ask around for personal recommendations, or look online. There are a large variety of marketing consultants out there who will cater for all types of businesses – make sure you choose one that best fits your business model.

To help you with this, you could also look out for marketing companies who have the ISO 9001 accreditation as this recognises that they have met set standards for the way the handle their clients and business.

Make sure that whoever you choose, they fully understand your marketing goals, and that you compare quotes for the work they will do to get the most cost-effective global marketing campaign that you can.